Mandatory Conditions
- Every retail sale or supply of alcohol made under this licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.
- No supply of alcohol may be made under this licence
a. At a time when there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of it or,
b. At a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or his personal licence is suspended.
The admission of children under the age of 18 to film exhibitions permitted under the terms of this licence shall be restricted in accordance with any recommendations made
a. By the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC,) where the film has been classified by that Board, or
b. By the Licensing Authority where no classification certificate has been granted by the BBFC, or, where the licensing authority has notified the licence holder that section 20 (3) (b) (74 (3)(b) for clubs) of the Licensing Act 2003 applies to the film.
Conditions Consistent with the Operating Schedule
1. The rear fire exit doors shall be replaced by ‘acoustic’ doors before 30 April 2008 to the satisfaction of the Chief Public Protection Officer whose Pollution Control Officer shall report back to the chair of the Licensing Sub-committee.
2. A notice shall be displayed at the main exit asking patrons to leave the premises and area quietly.
3. Staff of the Academy shall regularly monitor sound levels to ensure that public nuisance is prevented.
4. All windows shall be kept closed when regulated entertainment consisting of live or amplified music or vocals is taking place.
5. The rear doors shall be kept closed at all times save for the evacuation of the building in the case of emergency.
6. The designated area for smoking shall be in the open air at the front of the building. The area shall be kept free of smoking related litter.
7. A leaflet shall be produced for customers showing details of car parking facilities in the vicinity of the premises.
8. A CCTV system shall be installed incorporating cameras covering the entrance, exit and bar servery areas as agreed with North Wales Police. Recordings shall be kept for a minimum of 28 days and be made available to the Police or other authorised officers on request. Staff shall be trained in the operation of the system.
9. A Fire Risk Assessment shall be undertaken and the findings implemented.
10. A Health and Safety Risk Assessment shall be undertaken and the findings implemented.
11. All electrical appliances/installations shall be checked for safety by a competent person.
12. A ‘Proof of Age’ scheme shall be operated whereby alcohol will not be sold to any person who appears to be under the age of 21 years unless that person produces suitable proof of their age in the form of a passport or driving licence.
13. A Child Protection Policy as agreed with the Childrens’ Safeguarding Manager shall be produced and implemented.
14. There shall be no sale or supply of alcohol during childrens’ dance classes.
15. There shall be no unsupervised access by children to the balcony area.
16. For under 18’s classes, the organiser/teacher shall have undergone an enhanced Criminal Record Bureau Check.
17. No adult entertainment, services or activities shall take place. Where entertainments are provided that are deemed unsuitable for children, this shall be made clear on advertising material and children will not be admitted