Mandatory Conditions
Compliance with Flintshire County Council Terms, Conditions and Restrictions applying to Public Entertainment Licences.
Maximum Number of Permitted Persons is:
Sports Hall - Floor area - 1200
Bleechers - 350
The Arena - Standing (ground level) - 3600
Balcony (seated) - 350
The occupancy for seated audiences will be determined by the
Fire Officer upon submission of a seating plan. This must be
delivered allowing a minimum of 28 days for consultation.
New Ice Rink - Ice Rink and Spectator Seating - 1200
The occupancy figures in respect of the Arena and Ice Rink are subject to the following conditions:-
(i) Only one function to be held in the Arena or Ice Rink at any one time.
(ii) When a function is being held in the Arena the adjacent balcony in the Ice Rink will not be
open to any members of the public.
(iii) During a function in either location adequate stewards will be provided to ensure safe evacuation.