The Blossoms

High Street, Bagillt, Flintshire, CH6 6AP

Premises Licence PA0596 from from 18/07/2022 to indefinite

Licence holder(s)

Full Name 365 Management Solutions Ltd

Designated Premises Supervisor

Full NameMr Richard Jones

Permitted Activities

Premises Open Hours Granted
Time FromTime To
Sunday to Thursday 10:00 01:00
Friday & Saturday 10:00 01:30
New Year's Eve 10:00 02:30
Activities - Times Granted
Time FromTime To
B. Exhibition of films (Indoors)
Sunday to Thursday 10:00 00:30
Friday & Saturday 10:00 01:00
E. Performance of live music (Indoors)
Monday to Sunday 10:00 00:30
New Year's Eve 12:00 01:30
F. Playing of recorded music (Indoors)
Monday to Sunday 10:00 00:30
New Year's Eve 12:00 01:30
G. Performance of dance (Indoors)
Monday to Sunday 10:00 00:30
New Year's Eve 12:00 01:30
H. Entertainment of a similar description to that falling within E, F, or G (Indoors)
Monday to Sunday 10:00 00:30
New Year's Eve 12:00 01:30
I. Late night refreshment (Indoors)
Sunday to Thursday 23:00 01:00
Friday & Saturday 23:00 00:00
J. Supply of alcohol for consumption ON and OFF the premises
Sunday to Thursday 10:00 00:30
Friday & Saturday 10:00 01:00
New Year's Eve 10:00 02:00

Additional Conditions