Mandatory Conditions
- Every retail sale or supply of alcohol made under this licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.
- No supply of alcohol may be made under this licence
a. At a time when there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of it or,
b. At a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or his personal licence is suspended.
Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule.
- Designated Premises Supervisor must be an active member of pubwatch.
- All windows must be closed when music is being performed.
- CCTV cameras must be operational whilst the premises are open to the public and maintained in good working order.
- All children must be accompanied by adults.
- Children are not be allowed on the premises after 9pm.
The premises may be open for one hour following the opening hours set out above on the following occasions:
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday at May Bank Holiday, Spring/Whitsun Bank Holiday and every August Bank Holiday weekend;
- Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday at Easter Bank Holiday weekend.
and on these occasions all licensed activities may be conducted for one hour following the times the licence authorises the carrying out of those activities.
Conditions attached after a hearing by the Licensing Authority.
- All doors affording a means of escape in case of fire shall only be fastened in such a manner as to be easily and immediately openable from the inside when the premises are occupied without the use of a key.
- Internally illuminated Exit signs conforming to BS 2560 of height 150 mm which contain a graphic symbol coloured white on green depicting a person moving through a door opening shall be provided above the exit to Hawarden Road and above the exit from the Bar to the car park.
- A fire alarm of category M shall be provided in accordance with BS 5839: 2002 - Fire Detection and Alarm Systems for Buildings. It will be acceptable to provide a manual call point behind the bar area in lieu of call points at the front entrance and bar entrance. Manual call points shall also be provided in the kitchen and adjacent to the double emergency exit doors from the Eating Area.
- The obstruction to the fire fighting equipment (fire extinguishers) located in the small storeroom and behind the bar shall be removed to ensure easy access. Fire extinguishers are to be located in conspicuous positions on brackets or stands so that the carry handle of large heavier extinguishers is about 1 metre from the floor, and small extinguishers about 1.5 metres from the floor.
- The above mentioned improvements shall be completed by 24 November 2005.