Mandatory Conditions
- Every retail sale or supply of alcohol made under this licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.
- No supply of alcohol may be made under this licence
a. At a time when there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of it or,
b. At a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or his personal licence is suspended.
Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule.
- A colour CCTV system shall be installed with cameras covering all entrances, exits and licensable activities. CCTV must be operational at all times when licensable activities are taking place. Recordings must be kept for a minimum of 28 days and made available for inspection by the Police or Local Authority upon request.
- When 18th and 21st Birthday events are being held in the function room of these premises, the bar will be closed at 00.30 hours and persons to vacate the premises by 01.00 hours.
- Proof of Age Identification Scheme shall be adopted.