Mandatory Conditions
- Every retail sale or supply of alcohol made under this licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.
- No supply of alcohol may be made under this licence
a. At a time when there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of it or,
b. At a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or his personal licence is suspended.
Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule.
- The premises may sell alcohol and provide Late Night Refreshment for an additional hour following the supply of alcohol hours set out above and close two hours later on the following occasions:
Burns Night (25th January), Australia Day (26th January), St David’s Day (1st March), St Patrick’s Day (17th March), St George’s Day (23rd April), St Andrew’s Day (30th November).
Alcohol may be sold and Late Nigh Refreshment provided for an additional 30 minutes, and close 90 minutes later on the following days:
Thursday immediately preceding Good Friday.
Sunday immediately preceding a Bank Holiday Monday.
The premises may remain open for an additional hour on the morning of the day the clocks go forward in order to negate the effect of the change from British Summer Time to Greewich Mean Time.
- Two for one offers are not permitted.
- The number of single measures in a pitcher must not exceed four.
- Spirit doubles must not be sold for less than the price of two single measures.
- ‘All you can drink’ for a specified price promotions are not permitted.
- The Designated Premises Supervisor must be an active member of Pubwatch.
- CCTV cameras must be operational whilst the premises are open to the public and maintained in good working order.
Conditions Following a Licensing Sub-Committee Hearing
- The existing level of two door supervisors at the premises shall be maintained on Friday and Saturday evenings and on the following non-standard days:
Burns Night (25th January), Australia Day (26th January), St David’s Day (1st March), St Patrick’s Day (17th March), St George’s Day (23rd April), St Andrew’s Day (30th November), Thursday immediately preceding Good Friday, Sunday immediately preceding a bank holiday Monday and New Year’s Eve, Christmas Eve, Boxing Day.
- This level of door supervision shall not be reduced except by the prior approval in writing of North Wales Police.