Bistre Parish Hall

Mold Road, Buckley, Flintshire, CH7 2NH

Completed application 007415 which is a Transfer Application for Premises Licence from 23/02/2006 to indefinite


Full NameRev Canon Martin John Batchelor

Designated Premises Supervisor

Full NameRev Canon Martin John Batchelor

Permitted Activities

Premises Open Hours Requested
Time FromTime To
Monday to Saturday 07:30 23:45
Activities - Times Requested
Time FromTime To
E. Performance of live music (Indoors)
Monday to Saturday 07:30 23:45
F. Playing of recorded music (Indoors)
Monday to Saturday 07:30 23:45
G. Performance of dance (Indoors)
Monday to Saturday 07:30 23:45
H. Entertainment of a similar description to that falling within E, F, or G (Indoors)
Monday to Saturday 07:30 23:45

Additional Conditions

Premises Plans