A CCTV log will be completed on a weekly basis to record all elements of the CCTV System is maintained in good working order and recordings date and time stamped.
Only nominated staff shall be trained in the operation of the CCTV system to ensure rapid data retrieval & downloads of footage can be provided to the Police & the Local Authority Officer upon reasonable request in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
CCTV shall be continually recording during licensable hours.
In the event of a failure of the CCTV system for any reason, a record of the failure will be recorded in the premises log and immediate steps will be made to rectify the problem.
Alcohol will only be sold with food orders for consumption on and off the
premises and for home delliveries.
All home delivery orders for alcohol will be taken over the phone or on the
Internet and full payment made prior to delivery.
All alcohol will be stored on the premises in the fridge behind the counter and the
store room.
No alcohol will be served to anyone under the age of 18, for consumption on the premises
An incident log must be kept at the premises. Log records will be retained for a period of 12 months from the date it occurred. It will be made immediately available on request to an ‘authorised person’ (as defined by section 13 of the Licensing Act 2003), an authorised trading standards officer or the police, and must record the following;
(a) All crimes reported to the premises (where relevant to the licensing objectives)
(b) Any other incidents of disorder witnessed during deliveries
Refusals Book
The refusals book will be retained by the premises and will be used to record all refusals to sell alcohol for any reason.
Where other age restricted products are sold at the premise, any refusals to sell such items to underage persons or persons who appear underage must be recorded.
The details to be recorded must be as follows:
(i) Time, day & date of refusal
(ii) Item refused
(iii) Name & address of customer (if given)
(iv) Description of customer
(v) Details of i.d. offered (if shown)
The refusals book must be made available for inspection by responsible authorities on request.
When the DPS is not on duty a contact telephone number will be available at all times.
The Driver will always carry with him/her the following Compliance log books:
a) Incident log
b) ID Signature delivery log
c) Customer Refusal Log.
No refuse shall be disposed of or collected from the premises between the hours of 1900 and 07.00 on any day.
The Premises Licence holder / Designated Premises Supervisor will ensure that litter arising from people using the premises is cleared away and checked periodically throughout the opening times and at the end of each night.
The Manager and staff will carry out with regard to their own personal safety, their best endeavours to disperse any persons that appear to be loitering outside the immediate area of the restaurant.
Notices will be displayed in a prominent position to remind customers to leave the area quickly and quietly and to respect local residents.
A “Challenge 25” policy shall be operated at the premises at all times including home deliveries.
Prominent, clear and legible Challenge 25 signage shall also be displayed at all entrances to the premises as well as at, at least one location at the point of sale and behind any counter advertising the scheme operated.
The only forms of ID that shall be accepted (at the discretion of the Management) as proof of age are a valid passport, a valid photographic driving licence, a PASS approved proof of age card, HM Services Warrant Card or other reliable photo I.D. that is approved for acceptance by the Police or other Authorised Officers.
A documented training programme shall be introduced for all staff upon first appointment in a position to sell, serve alcohol. This training will include information on preventing the sale of alcohol to persons who appear to be drunk or underage or purchasing on behalf of another who appears to be drunk or underage at the point of sale.
Relevant staff shall be given appropriate accredited training on the law