High Street, Holywell, Flintshire
The admission of children under the age of 18 to film exhibitions permitted under the terms of this licence shall be restricted in accordance with any recommendations made
a. By the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC,) where the film has been classified by that Board, or
b. By the Licensing Authority where no classification certificate has been granted by the BBFC, or, where the licensing authority has notified the licence holder that section 20 (3) (b) (74 (3)(b) for clubs) of the Licensing Act 2003 applies to the film.
Police presence at events as and when required, via liaison direct with officers at Holywell Police Station
No alcohol to be allowed at any of the events. The High Street, as a town centre, has a permanent on street alcohol ban.
Risk Assessments to be undertaken and appropriate public liability insurance taken out for each individual event.
Road closures to be put in place during larger events to ensure additional safety of those setting up events and also those participating in events.
Events to have volunteer stewards and local police presence as and when required.
If official photography is undertaken, appropriate parental/guardian consent shall be sought re: use of photo's with children via the standard forms used by Flintshire County Council